Thursday, January 14, 2010

[mobilePic] wow. Google really wants the French to use chrome!

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  1. Google needs to get the bugs out of Chrome. Remember that problem I had with leaving comments on Blogger (a Google subsidiary I believe) posts? Well, after a brief period in which it went away, it's back.

  2. Google wants the whole world to use Chrome I think - the London underground stations are all full of the same adverts in English !!!

  3. also, sorry for not being tech savvy but do you know if online transactions such as online banking etc can be done safely on chrome? i know somebody whose online banking account got hacked into after she started using chrome as her default browser !!! was wondering if thats just a coincidence or if the beta status of chrome might have something to do with it !!!

  4. @Starman: Sorry, I was not able to check that blog. Can you please post the link to its homepage again? Will check.

    @grm: Thanks for the info from London :). Also, Google Chrome is perfectly OK for online banking transactions etc. I think your friend's info getting stolen is a coincidence. Also, ask her to run HijackThis on her computer, and send me a log. It might show spyware running on her machine.

  5. And this is just one of several:

  6. @Animesh: its not my friend who has had the problem. its my chachi and she will definitely not be able to run HijackThis and send you a log. I will ask her son to do it when he is in London next to see her.

  7. @grm: For your chachi, I understand. Hijackthis is simple to use though. You can maybe try once to get her to download it from

    @starman: I tried to post a comment on that blog from my chrome [on winXP], and it worked.

  8. Well, that's the problem. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. More often it doesn't. I suppose it could be one of the early problems with Windows7.

  9. Ah ha, you see, that's what I mean about Chrome....yesterday it would not work, today it worked perfectly. Tomorrow is anyone's guess.
