Wednesday, March 11, 2009

'tis Holi!!!

and with that existential chant [Holi hai = it's holi!], I have begun the day today for nearly all of the past 28 years.

Last year, we were at Santa Monica beach, and yes, I miss the warmth of LA this year :-|.

That said, this year was not bad either, as I just got back to my desk after a brief color-play with my group-mates S (Indian) and A (Russian!). We will be having a more proper celebration with colors and sweets tomorrow afternoon in the lab, and my (French) boss sounds excited :).

And now, the customary Holi video:

and then, a thoughtful one:

And finally, if you are interested, a bunch of songs for the day

Holi hai!!!


  1. Second video is v creative. nicceeeeeee!

  2. love the playlist, thanks.....
    Happy Holi!

  3. While I don't get Holi at all, I send warmest wishes your way & hope you had fun!

    Did you know that apart from being an iconic bollywood number, Rang Barse is a cinematic event that brought together the talents of 4 of India's Icons!

    Sung in Amitabh Bachchan's voice.
    Written by Harivanshrai Bachchan.
    Music by Shiv-Hari (Pts. Shivkumar Sharma & Hariprasad Chaurasia)

    Did you also notice that most Amitabh probably has the most number of Holi songs to his credit?
    There're 3 of them in your list that I can see!

  4. You're definitely not missing much... the LA chill this year feels rather unholy. ;-)

  5. @all: thanks for the comments/wishes.
    @aman: interesting observation

    @JD: sadness!

    BTW, I just came back from a crazy holi evening bash in Paris -- my face was _green_ with gulal! Pics coming soon.

    P.S. Tomorrow, holi in office :D
